It is our Application Programming Interfaces (API) repository, where you will be able to interact directly with all the information you need to integrate with Pomelo.
Our APIs are REST type and have self-explanatory URLs. They accept request bodies and return JSON-encoded responses, use HTTP standard response codes, authentication and request methods.
You will need to generate a JWT token to interact with the APIs: Use the data we will share with you and follow the Authorization steps
We have two types of environments available on Pomelo:
Base URL of each environment
Do you want to try our APIs?Fill out the form and get your credentials to join our testing environment.Register at Sandbox
Already have a Sandbox account?Log in to your account and enjoy the Pomelo experience.Sign in to Sandbox
In the documentation you will find in a simple format all the details about the services we offer, how they work and how you can integrate them.Access Docs