The Credit Lines service allows you to create and manage both credit products and credit lines
Want to know more about credit lines? Check out our documentation.
The lending/v1/products
endpoint allows you to create a product.
At this moment, you will be able to define the cutoff and due dates, limits and available balances, rates and fees, how the minimum payment is composed and more.
. En COLOMBIA su único valor posible es RESTRICTED
The endpoint lending/v1/products
allows you to retrieve data from all products created
The lending/v1/products/{id}
endpoint allows you to retrieve data from a specific product.
The lending/v1/products/{id}
endpoint allows you to update data for a specific product.
The endpoint lending/v1/products/{id}
allows you to deactivate a specific product.
The lending/v1/products
endpoint allows you to retrieve data on credit lines according to specific search criteria.
You can find more information on how to apply filters in the section Filters and pagination.
The lending/v1/products
endpoint allows you to create a credit line.
The endpoint lending/v1/credit-lines/{id}
allows you to retrieve data for a specific credit line.
In this instance, you can define the specific limit and closing date for this credit line, always within the parameters that you have defined for the product.
Want to know more about credit lines? Check out our documentation.
The lending/v1/credit-lines/{id}
endpoint allows you to update data for a specific credit line.
The lending/v1/credit-lines/{id}
endpoint allows you to cancel a credit line.
The /products/{product_id}/pricing
endpoint allows you to create new price updates for products with ACTIVE or PAUSED status
The endpoint /products/{product_id}/pricing
allows you to obtain the price update history related to a product
The endpoint /products/{product_id}/pricing/{start_date}
enables you to modify a pending price update
Provide us with this endpoint to receive notifications about changes in credit line status.
If you have any questions about how to configure a webhook, visit our documentation.
You must respond with an HTTP 2xx code so that we do not resend the notification. Otherwise, we will keep sending it indefinitely.
to use if multiple api-key
and api-secret
pairs were configured.Provide us with this endpoint to receive notifications of a user's entry, exit, or continued delinquency.
If you have any questions about how to configure a webhook, visit our documentation.
You must respond with an HTTP 2xx code so that we do not resend the notification. Otherwise, we will keep sending it indefinitely.
to use if multiple api-key
and api-secret
pairs were configured.