
You must implement and expose the “Authorization” and “ Adjustments” endpoints on your backend so that we can communicate.

Payment processor flow:

Flujo Online / Offline

We consume the endpoints in the following moments:

During the online flow

Every time a user uses their card in any online or physical store.

During reconciliation

When the network (Mastercard, Visa, etc.) requests reconciliation of all payments presented by merchants.


If there is a discrepancy in the reconciliation, we will request a correction to your API. We expect a quick response to ensure a good experience. If the response is delayed, reject the transaction.


Since an HTTP request can time out, make sure that it is processed only once when retrying. We’ll send you an x-idempotency-key header with a unique ID with each request for that purpose. Process with a cache in memory (for example: redis).

At the beginning of each transaction, check if the idempotency key we sent you is already in the in-memory cache and do the following:

There is no idempotency header in the cache

Cache in memory the idempotency key → request with a in-transit status with a TTL of 3 minutes.

When you approve or reject the transaction, you’ll need to cache the result and update the idempotency key status to ‘finished’.

The idempotency header is in the cache

In case of a duplicate request, you will need to check the transaction status in the cache.

  • If it is in a finished status, respond with an HTTP code 200 with the expected body for the endpoint and complete it with the cache result.
  • If it is in a in-transit status you will need to respond with an HTTP code 425 (Too Early: RFC 8470) with the expected body for the endpoint. We’ll look for the response to this request again a few milliseconds later.

Requests in progress

If you receive a second request with the same idempotence ID and the first is still in progress, you should respond with an HTTP status 425 and an empty body.


The communication between our backends must be strictly secure since the endpoints will allow crediting and deducting funds.

For this purpose, we require you to implement three measures:

  • Expose HTTPS endpoint
  • Pomelo IPs whitelist
  • Hmac-sha256 signature for the request and reply

Expose HTTPS endpoint

All communication with us must be via HTTPS, regardless of who issues the certificate.

These are some of the most recognized providers

Pomelo IPs whitelist

We always communicate with your backend from specific IPs. We recommend that you only accept requests from the following IPs and reject any others:

Pomelo IPs:

  • Testing/Staging Environment:   
  • Production Environment:   

Hmac-sha256 signature for the request and reply

To ensure that the only participants in the communication are our backends (Pomelo and the Client), we provide you with an api-key and api-secret during onboarding to digitally sign the content of the communication.

The process looks something like this:

1. During onboarding we exchange the api-key and api-secret keys.


During a payment authorization, Pomelo signs each authorization request with hmac-sha256 using the api-secret.

4. You validate the hmac-sha256 signature with your api-secret corresponding to the request api-key.

5. Authorize the order, debit the user’s funds and sign the response with hmac-sha256 using the api-secret.

6. We verify the hmac-sha256 signature and finish processing the payment.

Key exchange process

During the onboarding process, we create an api-key and api-secret specific to you.

It is also possible to use gpg or an email plugin (such as

Let’s look at an example using openssl on the command line.

1. We create the api-key and api-secret:

$ echo -e 'api-key=$(openssl rand -base64 32)\napi-secret=$(openssl rand -base64 32)' > api-credentials.txt

$ cat api-credentials.txt

2. You create your public-private key:

$ openssl genrsa -out private.pem 2048
$ openssl rsa -in private.pem -pubout -out public.pem

3. Send us your public.pem public key by email or Slack.

4. We encrypt the credential file with the public key you gave us:

$ openssl rsautl -encrypt -in api-credentials.txt -out api-credentials.txt.enc -inkey public.pem -pubin

5. We send the api-credentials.txt.enc file by email or Slack

6. Decrypt the api-credentials.txt.enc file with your private.pem private key:

$ openssl rsautl -decrypt -in api-credentials.txt.enc -inkey private.pem

7. Keep the api-secret in a safe place that is accessible only through the “Authorize payments” application, associated with the api-key.

Request signature process

Along with the authorization or adjustment request we’ll send you HTTP headers with the signature, timestamp and the api-key so that you can verify the signature is correct.

The HTTP headers we send are:

  • x-api-key : this header allows you to identify which api-secret you have to use in the event that multiple api-key and api-secret pairs have been configured.

  • x-signature : This header contains the digital signature (body + timestamp + endpoint) that must be verified to ensure request integrity. If the signature does not match, reject the order.

  • x-timestamp : this header contains the moment the order was signed in unix-epoch format so that you can verify that the signature has not expired.

  • x-endpoint : the endpoint to which the request is made. Use this header to regenerate the signature to be validated, check with your service endpoint and confirm that they match.

Important: In addition to checking the signature that we send you, when generating the response, you must sign the body along with the timestamp and the response endpoint with your api-secret after impacting the operation. Please note that the signature will be validated and the transaction rejected if the signature does not match or has expired.

How to Test Your Implementation and Sample Code

You can test the implementation of your backend with some typical operations that we will send with a Postman collection, which is included in our [public sample repository] ( You can import the collection to a Postman instance and thus simulate real orders to your backend, including the signature generation and checking algorithm.

In the repository, you will also find examples of implementation of the signature generation and validation algorithm in several languages.


This is an optional process, but we recommend running it daily.

In the SFTP server that we will provide, you will find these files:

  • Transaction file
  • Presentation file

Transaction file

Contains the details of each transaction from the previous day.

El nombre del archivo tiene el siguiente formato: transaction_yyyy-mm-dd_<nombre cliente>_<pais>.csv

Transaction file structure

{Atributo}DescriptionAllowed values
TRANSACTION_IDUnique ID to identify the transaction.
TRANSACTION_TYPEIndicates the transaction type.PURCHASE
PRODUCT_TYPEThis is the product typePREPAID
PROVIDERIt is the brand of the issued card.VISA
USER_IDPomelo cardholder’s user ID.
BINThe first six or eight digits of the PAN.
LAST_FOURThe last four digits of the PAN.
ORIGINDOMESTIC: The transaction occurred in the issuer’s country.
INTERNATIONAL: The transaction was not made in the issuer’s country.
MERCHANT_MCCThe merchant category code as defined in ISO-18245.
LOCAL_AMOUNTThis is the total transaction amount that must be deducted from the user's balance, with taxes and fees added (where applicable). Always converted to the card's local currency.
LOCAL_CURRENCYThe LOCAL_TOTAL currency code in ISO_4217 ALPHA-3 format.
TRANSACTION_AMOUNTThe transaction value before taxes and in the original currency sent by the merchant.
TRANSACTION_CURRENCYThe TRANSACTION_TOTAL currency code in [ISO_4217] ( formato ALPHA-3.
SETTLEMENT_AMOUNTThe transaction amount in USD, as sent by the network. For Argentina always show it in USD, and in the local currency for the other countries.
SETTLEMENT_CURRENCYThe currency code of SETTLEMENT_TOTAL in ISO_4217 ALPHA-3 format. For Argentina always show it in USD, and in the local currency for the other countries.
ENTRY_MODEHow the card was used at the merchant's point of sale.UNKNOWN
STATUSTransaction status.APPROVED
STATUS_DETAILAdditional reason why the transaction is approved or rejected.See table below
SOURCEIndicates which flow/process triggered the transaction, as seen from Pomelo.ONLINE: Originated during transactional flow from real-time transactions sent over the network
CLEARING: Originated during the agreement process between Pomelo and the network when managing the settlement file
PURGE: Transactions that were not presented in the network settlement file.
ORIGINAL_TRANSACTION_IDThis value may be empty if the transaction is not related to another.
COUNTRY_CODEThis is the country code in [ISO-3166] format (
CLIENT_NAMEEl nombre del cliente que aprueba o rechaza la transacción, dado que el reporte se segmenta por cliente, va a tener el mismo valor para todas las filas
CLIENT_COUNTRY_CODEEl coódigo de país del cliente en formato ISO-3166
AMOUNT_DETAILSEl detalle de la composición del monto local, en el mismo formato que es enviado de forma ONLINE. Codificado en base64
INSTALLMENTS_GRACE_PERIOD[OPCIONAL*] El período de gracia refiere a la cantidad de meses previo a que comiencen los pagos en cuotas. Puede ir de 0 a 99.

*_Para los clientes que operen con crédito, se agregan los datos del contrato de cuotas.


Status detailDescription
CARD_BLOCKEDThe card status is BLOCKED.
CARD_NOT_CONFIGUREDThe card is missing configurations.
CARD_NOT_FOUNDWe cannot find the card’s PAN.
CLIENT_TIMEOUTThe client is slow to respond.
CLIENT_UNAVAILABLEWe cannot connect to the client or we receive a 5XX.
CLIENT_SIGNATURE_ERRORWhen there is a failure in the client's signature.
CRYPTO_ERRORThere is a cryptogram error (EMV).
DUPLICATE_TRANSMISSION_DETECTEDWe received a repeated transaction from the network.
EXPIRED_CARDThe card status is EXPIRED.
EXTRA_FIELDSMessaging from the network comes with unexpected fields.
INSUFFICIENT_FUNDSThe client replies that the account has no funds.
INTERNAL_ERRORUnexpected failure in the Pomelo system.
INVALID_AMOUNTThe affinity group’s limits are exceeded.
INVALID_CVVThe CVV does not match.
INVALID_EXPIRATION_DATEThe expiration date received does not match the card.
INVALID_MERCHANTThe customer rejects the merchant for a specific reason.
INVALID_PINThe PIN is incorrect
PIN_TRY_LIMIT_EXCEEDSe ha ingresado incorrectamente el PIN y se excedio el limite de intentos.
INVALID_TRANSACTIONThe transaction is invalid.
LOST_CARDThe card status is LOST.
MISSING_FIELDSMessaging from the network comes without the required fields.
NOT_DECLINEDA transaction has a value of 0, verifying the account is active.
ORIGINAL_NOT_FOUNDAn attempt is made to reverse a transaction that we did not find.
OTHERThe case is not recognized.
RESTRICTED_USERThe user's status is not ACTIVE.
SECURITY_VIOLATIONExceeds a fraud threshold.
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLEThe client or a Pomelo service is down.
STOLEN_CARDThe card’s status is STOLEN.
SYSTEM_ERRORClient's unexpected error.
APPROVEDThe client approves a transaction.
TRANSACTION_NOT_PERMITTEDThe transaction type is not allowed in the affinity group.
REJECTED_FRAUDThe transaction was rejected by the fraud engine.

Transaction file reconciliation

Is it at Pomelo?Is it at the client?Does it have the same status?Action
YYYDo nothing / Mark as matching
YYN1) Register an adjustment that debits/credits the end user if applicable.
2) Mark as matching.
YNN1) IF STATUS == APPROVED: Register an adjustment that debits/credits the end user if applicable.
2) Mark as matching.
NYNIt is not a possible use case.

If you are trying to adjust a credit to an end user who does not have sufficient funds in their account, keep trying to get the funds from that user.

It becomes a debt between the customer and the end user.

Presentation file

Contains the details for each transaction that traders submitted the previous day.

El nombre del archivo tiene el siguiente formato: presentment_yyyy-mm-dd_<nombre cliente>_<pais>.csv

Presentation file structure

AttributeDescriptionAllowed values
TRANSACTION_IDThe original transaction ID the presentation generated.
TRANSACTION_TYPEIndicates the transaction type.PURCHASE
PRODUCT_TYPEThis is the product type.PREPAID
PROVIDERIt is the brand of the issued card.VISA
USER_IDPomelo cardholder’s user ID
BINThe first six or eight digits of the PAN.
LAST_FOURThe last four digits of the PAN.
ORIGINDOMESTIC: The transaction occurred in the issuer’s country.
INTERNATIONAL: The transaction was not made in the issuer’s country.
MERCHANT_MCCThe merchant category code as defined in ISO-18245.
TRANSACTION_AMOUNTThe transaction value before taxes and in the original currency sent by the merchant.
TRANSACTION_CURRENCYThe TRANSACTION_TOTAL currency code in [ISO_4217] ( formato ALPHA-3.
SETTLEMENT_AMOUNTThe transaction value presented by the brand.
SETTLEMENT_CURRENCYThe currency code of SETTLEMENT_AMOUNT in ISO_4217 ALPHA-3 format. For Argentina always show it in USD, and in the local currency for the other countries.
DEBT_AMOUNTThe transaction value in the currency to be paid to Pomelo. If the sum is to be paid to Pomelo, it is always a positive value; otherwise, it will be negative.
DEBT_CURRENCYThe DEBT_AMOUNT currency code in ISO_4217 ALPHA-3 format. If it is a domestic transaction it must be paid in local currency, otherwise in USD.
INTERCHANGE_FEETransaction commission to be applied to the exchange.
INTERCHANGE_RATEAlphanumeric value that identifies the transaction exchange rate presented by the purchaser.
TAXThis is the exchange rate tax in accordance with local regulations. These values must have VAT calculated.
FUNCTION_CODEThis is the presentation type.FIRST_PRESENTMENT
REVERSE_PRESENTMENTThis means that the presentation was reverted from the network.TRUE
REASON_CODEReason for the second presentation.
TAX_IDID asociado a los impuestos de la transacción
INSTALLMENTS_GRACE_PERIOD[OPCIONAL*] El período de gracia refiere a la cantidad de meses previo a que comiencen los pagos en cuotas. Puede ir de 0 a 99.
CURRENT_INSTALLMENT[OPCIONAL*] Indica qué número de cuota está pagando el cliente.
USD_EXCHANGE_RATEWhich will indicate the exchange rate of Banco Nación at the close of the previous day
DEBT_AMOUNT_ARSThe amount of the debt expressed in ARS, multiplying the exchange rate for the amount of the debt amount. In case the Debt Amount is already in ARS, the multiplication is not performed

*_Para los clientes que operen con crédito, se agregan los datos del contrato de cuotas.

Reconciling the presentation file

Our finance team will send daily notifications for the debt owed. This will include all presentations we receive in the presentation file.

Obtaining Transaction and Presentation files

There is an SFTP server from which you can download Transaction and Presentation files.

Pomelo has two environments for SFTP servers, production and development.

To connect to the SFTP servers, first send a public key to create a user.

Here is the data to connect to each environment:

Production Environment:

Port: 22
User: <tu_usuario> # the one created from your public keys.


{Puerto}: 22
User: <tu_usuario> # the one created from your public keys.

To create a public key, use the command applicable to your operating system:

Linux / MacOs:

1. Create an RSA Key Pair, changing the variable $Cliente to the proper name

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -C $Cliente

The command will create a 2048-bit RSA key pair by default. ​You can also create a larger 4096-bit key by entering -b 4096.

The command produces this output:

Generating public/prive rsa key pair.
Enter a file to save the key (/your_home/.ssh/id_rsa):

Press Enter to save the key pair in .ssh /, or specify another location.

2. Create a passphrase for your SSH key

Press Enter to leave it blank and use the key only to establish SSH connections. Enter a password for an additional layer of security.

3. Get the public key by reading the public file

cat ~/.ssh/

The key generated will start with ssh-rsa.

You can now copy and paste your public SSH key into your Shell console, or any server, to establish a secure connection.


Create SSH keys using PuTTY. Install PuTTY from the developer page:

1. Create SSH keys using PuTTY

Install PuTTY from the developer page:

2. Run the PuTTY SSH key generator

  • Press the Windows key.
  • Write puttygen.
  • Right-click on PuTTYgen.
  • Click Run as administrator.
  • Click Yes if the system asks you Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?

3. Use PuTTY to create an SSH key pair

While the PuTTY keygen tool offers several other algorithms, here is how to create RSA keys, one of the most often used:

  • In the PuTTY Key Generator window, click Build.
  • Move the cursor in the gray box to fill the green bar.
  • Generating an SSH key pair in Putty.
  • Save the public key by clicking the Save Public Key button. Then choose a location to save the key and assign a name to it.
  • Save the private key:
    • Click the Conversions menu at the top.
    • Click Export OpenSSH Key.
    • The system will ask you if you want to save a key without a password. Click Yes.
    • Choose a location to save the key (usually the same folder as the public key).
    • Name the key (for example, putty_key).

Authorize transaction

The /transactions/authorizations endpoint allows you to authorize transactions.

A request to authorize or reject the transaction will be sent.


We expect a quick response to ensure a good experience. If the response is delayed, reject the transaction.

Available parameters
Body Parameters
Transaction-related information
Merchant-related information.
Non-sensitive card information.
Information related to transaction fees. This parameter for purchase authorizations will only be received with credit card fees.
Information related to the user who made the transaction.
Information related to transaction amounts. May be greater or equal to zero.
Information related to extra transaction fields.
Response details
A status telling us whether to approve or reject the transaction
Descriptive message with the result of this operation
Allows you to track the reason why the transaction was not approved
Account balance. It is returned only in case the 'BALANCE_INQUIRY' type is sent Available for Mexico only.

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Response examples


The /transactions/adjustments/{type} endpoint allows you to make credit and debit adjustments to transactions.

A request informing you that the network (MC, VISA) forced an authorization will be sent.


This endpoint is used during reconciliation and online flows, mainly to make adjustments during the settlement process and also in the event of returns.

Available parameters
Body Parameters
Transaction-related information
Merchant-related information.
Non-sensitive card information.
Information related to transaction fees. This parameter for purchase authorizations will only be received with credit card fees.
Information related to the user who made the transaction.
Information related to transaction amounts. May be greater or equal to zero.
Path Parameters
The type of operation to be executed on the user's balance. If it is a debit, the value must be deducted from the user's balance. If it is a credit, funds must be added to the user's balance. NOTE: Adjustments with very small values may be received. It is up to the customer whether they are shown in the user’s balance or not.
Enum: debitcredit
Response details

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Response examples


This service allows notifications when a transaction is resolved, either by Pomelo or by the brand (Mastercard, Visa, etc.).


We are waiting for a 2XX response to ensure the notification was received. Otherwise, we will send it again.

Available parameters
Body Parameters
Event identifier.
Example: authorization-advice
Event-related information. This may vary depending on the event type.
Idempotent identifier for creating the event.
Example: ctx-2CIllOHdIcC5qWjpiwRlFy2nZM8

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Response examples