Filters and pagination

The search endpoints allow you to filter, sort and paginate the results, according to parameters.

On each endpoint, you will find the detailed parameters that you can use to sort and filter. If any of these parameters is incorrect or misspelled, we will display an error message.

  • To use this function, you will have to specify your filters as parameters following this pattern: filter[campo]=valor. For example: filter[status]=CREATED.

  • In order to filter an attribute with multiple possible values, you must use commas to separate those values. For example: filter[status]=CREATED,ACTIVE.

  • When using filters, you will see the results paginated. You can decide the amount of data per page with page[size]=valor and specify which page you want to see with page[number]=valor

Listing arrangement

  • To define the order of the results following specific parameters, send them as a string list in the sorting filter. For example: /cards/v1/?sort=status,card_type.

  • The default sort order will be ascending. To specify a descending order, use the "-" character as a prefix to the attribute. For example: /cards/v1/?sort=status,-card_type.